Interface FedoraToOcflObjectIndex

    • Method Detail

      • getMapping

        FedoraOcflMapping getMapping​(Transaction session,
                                     FedoraId fedoraResourceIdentifier)
                              throws FedoraOcflMappingNotFoundException
        Retrieve identification information for the OCFL object which either contains, or is identified by, the provided fedora resource id. In other words the method will find the closest resource that is persisted as an OCFL object and returns its identifiers. If you pass fedora identifier that is not part of an archival group such as "my/fedora/binary/fcr:metadata" the fedora resource returned in the mapping will be "my/fedora/binary". Contrast this with an Archival Group example: if you pass in "my/archival-group/binary/fcr:metadata" the resource returned in the mapping would be "my/archival-group".
        session - the current session, or null for read-only.
        fedoraResourceIdentifier - the fedora resource identifier
        the mapping
        FedoraOcflMappingNotFoundException - when no mapping exists for the specified identifier.
      • addMapping

        FedoraOcflMapping addMapping​(@Nonnull
                                     Transaction session,
                                     FedoraId fedoraResourceIdentifier,
                                     FedoraId fedoraRootObjectIdentifier,
                                     String ocflObjectId)
        Adds a mapping to the index
        session - the current session.
        fedoraResourceIdentifier - The fedora resource
        fedoraRootObjectIdentifier - The identifier of the root fedora object resource
        ocflObjectId - The ocfl object id
        The newly created mapping
      • removeMapping

        void removeMapping​(@Nonnull
                           Transaction session,
                           FedoraId fedoraResourceIdentifier)
        Removes a mapping
        session - the current session.
        fedoraResourceIdentifier - The fedora resource to remove the mapping for
      • reset

        void reset()
        Remove all persistent state associated with the index.
      • commit

        void commit​(@Nonnull
                    Transaction session)
        Commit mapping changes for the session.
        session - the session to commit.
      • rollback

        void rollback​(@Nonnull
                      Transaction session)
        Rollback mapping changes for the session.
        session - the session to rollback.