Interface Transaction

    • Method Detail

      • commit

        void commit()
        Commit the transaction
      • commitIfShortLived

        void commitIfShortLived()
        Commit the transaction only if the transaction is shortLived
      • isCommitted

        boolean isCommitted()
        returns true if this transaction has already been committed
      • rollback

        void rollback()
        Rollback the transaction
      • fail

        void fail()
        Marks the transaction as failed. Failed transactions cannot be committed but may be rolledback.
      • isRolledBack

        boolean isRolledBack()
        true if this transaction has been rolled back
      • isOpenLongRunning

        boolean isOpenLongRunning()
        true if the tx is a long-running tx that has not expired and is not in a COMMITTED, ROLLEDBACK, or FAILED state
      • isOpen

        boolean isOpen()
        true if the tx is in an OPEN state and has not expired
      • isReadOnly

        boolean isReadOnly()
        true the tx is read-only
      • getId

        String getId()
        Get the transaction id
        the transaction id.
      • isShortLived

        boolean isShortLived()
        Check if the transaction is short-lived.
        is the transaction short-lived.
      • setShortLived

        void setShortLived​(boolean shortLived)
        Set transaction short-lived state.
        shortLived - boolean true (short-lived) or false (not short-lived)
      • expire

        void expire()
        Expire a transaction
      • hasExpired

        boolean hasExpired()
        Has the transaction expired?
        true if expired
      • updateExpiry

        Instant updateExpiry​(Duration amountToAdd)
        Update the expiry by the provided amount
        amountToAdd - the amount of time to add
        the new expiration date
      • getExpires

        Instant getExpires()
        Get the date this session expires
        expiration date, if one exists
      • refresh

        void refresh()
        Refresh the transaction to extend its expiration window.
      • lockResource

        void lockResource​(FedoraId resourceId)
        Acquires a lock on the specified resource for this transaction.
        resourceId - the resource to lock
        ConcurrentUpdateException - if the lock cannot be acquired
      • releaseResourceLocksIfShortLived

        void releaseResourceLocksIfShortLived()
        Releases any resource locks held by the transaction if the session is short-lived. This method should always be called after handling a request, regardless of the outcome, so that any held locks are released immediately without having to wait for the short-lived transaction to expire.
      • doInTx

        void doInTx​(Runnable runnable)
        Executes the runnable within the tx. While there are active runnables being executed, the tx may not be committed or rolledback. Runnables may only be executed when the tx is in an OPEN state and has not expired.
        runnable - the code to execute within the tx
      • setBaseUri

        void setBaseUri​(String baseUri)
        Sets the baseUri on the transaction
        baseUri - the baseUri of the requests
      • setUserAgent

        void setUserAgent​(String userAgent)
        Sets the user-agent on the transaction
        userAgent - the request's user-agent