Interface | Description |
UncheckedFunction<T,R> |
Operations that throw
RepositoryException cannot be used as lambdas without "unchecking" those exceptions. |
UncheckedPredicate<T> |
Operations that throw
RepositoryException cannot be used as lambdas without "unchecking" those exceptions. |
Class | Description |
BasicCacheEntry |
Cache entry that wraps a binary stream and provides
fixity methods against it
BinaryCacheEntry |
CacheEntry for simple Binary objects |
FedoraTypesUtils |
Convenience class with static methods for manipulating Fedora types in the
FixityInputStream |
An InputStream wrapper that calculates the size and digest
while reading from the stream.
FixityResultImpl |
Structure for presenting the results of a fixity check
(and any repair operations that may have occurred)
JcrPropertyStatementListener |
Listen to Jena statement events, and when the statement is changed in the
graph store, make the change within JCR as well.
NamespaceTools |
Tools for working with the JCR Namespace Registry
NodePropertiesTools |
Tools for replacing, appending and deleting JCR node properties
ProjectedCacheEntry |
Cache entry for a projected binary
PropertyChangedListener |
Listen to Jena statement events to see whether a certain
property was added or removed.
StreamUtils |
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