Class | Description |
AclRdfContext | |
ChildrenRdfContext | |
ContentRdfContext | |
DefaultIdentifierTranslator |
A very simple
IdentifierConverter which translates JCR paths into
un-dereference-able Fedora subjects (by replacing JCR-specific names with
Fedora names). |
FixityRdfContext |
RdfStream containing information about the fixity of a
FedoraBinary . |
HashRdfContext | |
LdpContainerRdfContext | |
LdpIsMemberOfRdfContext | |
LdpRdfContext | |
NodeRdfContext |
RdfStream that holds contexts related to a specific Node . |
ParentRdfContext | |
PrefixingIdentifierTranslator |
A very simple
IdentifierConverter which translates JCR paths into Fedora subjects with
a configurable resource namespace (e.g., a baseURL). |
PropertiesRdfContext |
NodeRdfContext for RDF that derives from JCR properties on a Resource |
ReferencesRdfContext |
Accumulate inbound references to a given resource
RootRdfContext |
Triple s derived from the root of a repository. |
SkolemNodeRdfContext |
Embed triples describing all skolem nodes in the RDF stream
TypeRdfContext | |
VersionsRdfContext |
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