Uses of Package
Packages that use org.fcrepo.kernel.api.exception Package Description org.fcrepo.http.api This package provides a RESTful API for several content management and core repository org.fcrepo.http.commons.exceptionhandlers A variety of JAX-RSExceptionMapper
s Kernel exception org.fcrepo.kernel.impl.models org.fcrepo.persistence.api.exceptions org.fcrepo.persistence.common -
Classes in org.fcrepo.kernel.api.exception used by org.fcrepo.http.api Class Description ExternalMessageBodyException Indicates that an external body request has failedInvalidChecksumException Exception thrown when the calculated digest does not match the stored digestItemNotFoundException Indicates an item was not found.MalformedRdfException Indicates that RDF was presented for persistence to the repository, but could not be persisted for some reportable reason.PathNotFoundException Indicates the path was not found in the repository.UnsupportedAlgorithmException Thrown in circumstances where a client has used an unknown or unsupported hash algorithm in a request, e.g. -
Classes in org.fcrepo.kernel.api.exception used by Class Description RepositoryRuntimeException Runtime exception -
Classes in org.fcrepo.kernel.api.exception used by org.fcrepo.http.commons.exceptionhandlers Class Description AccessDeniedException An access exception has occurred.CannotCreateMementoException An exception class for invalid memento creation attempts.CannotCreateResourceException Request for object creation failedConcurrentUpdateException This exception indicates that a resource could not be modified because it is currently being modified by another transaction.ConstraintViolationException A constraint has been violated.ExternalContentAccessException Exception when attempting to access an external-content URI has problems.ExternalMessageBodyException Indicates that an external body request has failedFedoraInvalidNamespaceException Indicates a namespace used in a CRUD request has not been registered in the repositoryGhostNodeException Exception when trying to alter an immutable resource.IncorrectTripleSubjectException Represents the condition that an attempt has been made to persist RDF to the repository as properties of a particular resource, but the subject of a triple in that RDF is not the resource in question.InsufficientStorageException Exception thrown when the device has insufficient storage to complete the operation.InteractionModelViolationException An Interaction Model constraint has been violated.InterruptedRuntimeException Indicates an interruption to the current threadInvalidACLException InvalidChecksumException Exception thrown when the calculated digest does not match the stored digestInvalidMementoPathException An invalid memento path constraint has been violated.InvalidPrefixException Indicates a prefix used in a CRUD request has existed in the repositoryInvalidResourceIdentifierException This exception is used for invalid resource identifiers, such as when a resource path has empty segments.ItemNotFoundException Indicates an item was not found.MementoDatetimeFormatException Indicates that the wrong format of the Memento-Datetime.MultipleConstraintViolationException Wrapper to hold multiple constraint violation exceptions for later reporting.OutOfDomainSubjectException Fedora does not accept RDF with subjects that are not local to the repository.PathNotFoundException Indicates the path was not found in the repository.PathNotFoundRuntimeException PreconditionException RepositoryException Indicates an error in the configuration of the repositoryRepositoryRuntimeException Runtime exceptionRepositoryVersionRuntimeException RequestWithAclLinkHeaderException Request failed with ACL link headerResourceTypeException An extension ofRepositoryRuntimeException
that may be thrown when attempting a operation (or instantiation) of aFedoraResource
on a different (and incompatible) type.ServerManagedPropertyException ServerManagedTypeException Certain mixin types are managed by the repository only.SessionMissingException A transaction was not found in the transaction registryTombstoneException Exception when a TombstoneFedoraResource
is used where a real object is expectedTransactionRuntimeException Runtime exceptionUnsupportedAlgorithmException Thrown in circumstances where a client has used an unknown or unsupported hash algorithm in a request, e.g.UnsupportedMediaTypeException Exception when trying to use an unsupported media type. -
Classes in org.fcrepo.kernel.api.exception used by org.fcrepo.kernel.api.exception Class Description ConstraintViolationException A constraint has been violated.RepositoryRuntimeException Runtime exceptionServerManagedPropertyException TransactionRuntimeException Runtime exception -
Classes in org.fcrepo.kernel.api.exception used by org.fcrepo.kernel.api.models Class Description PathNotFoundException Indicates the path was not found in the repository. -
Classes in org.fcrepo.kernel.api.exception used by Class Description AccessDeniedException An access exception has occurred.MalformedRdfException Indicates that RDF was presented for persistence to the repository, but could not be persisted for some reportable reason.UnsupportedAlgorithmException Thrown in circumstances where a client has used an unknown or unsupported hash algorithm in a request, e.g. -
Classes in org.fcrepo.kernel.api.exception used by org.fcrepo.kernel.impl.models Class Description PathNotFoundException Indicates the path was not found in the repository. -
Classes in org.fcrepo.kernel.api.exception used by Class Description AccessDeniedException An access exception has occurred.InvalidChecksumException Exception thrown when the calculated digest does not match the stored digestMalformedRdfException Indicates that RDF was presented for persistence to the repository, but could not be persisted for some reportable reason.RequestWithAclLinkHeaderException Request failed with ACL link headerUnsupportedAlgorithmException Thrown in circumstances where a client has used an unknown or unsupported hash algorithm in a request, e.g. -
Classes in org.fcrepo.kernel.api.exception used by org.fcrepo.persistence.api.exceptions Class Description RepositoryRuntimeException Runtime exception -
Classes in org.fcrepo.kernel.api.exception used by org.fcrepo.persistence.common Class Description InvalidChecksumException Exception thrown when the calculated digest does not match the stored digest