All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractDeleteResourceService |
Shared delete/purge code.
AbstractJMSPublisher |
Machinery to publish JMS messages when an EventBus
message is received.
AbstractNonRdfSourceOperation |
An abstract operation for interacting with a non-rdf source
AbstractNonRdfSourceOperationBuilder |
An abstract operation for interacting with a non-rdf source
AbstractRdfSourceOperation |
Abstract operation for interacting with an rdf source
AbstractRdfSourceOperationBuilder |
Abstract builder for interacting with an Rdf Source Operation Builder
AbstractRelaxableResourceOperation |
Abstract operation for a relaxable resource operations
AbstractRelaxableResourceOperationBuilder |
Abstract builder for constructing relaxable resource operations
AbstractResource |
Superclass for Fedora JAX-RS Resources, providing convenience fields and methods.
AbstractResourceOperation |
Abstract operation for interacting with a resource
AbstractResourceOperationBuilder |
Base resource operation builder to share class fields and userPrincipal method.
AbstractService |
Abstract service for interacting with a kernel service
AccessControlJavaSecurityExceptionMapper |
Translate Java Security AccessControlExceptions into HTTP 403 Forbidden errors
AccessDeniedException |
An access exception has occurred.
AccessDeniedExceptionMapper |
ACLAuthorizationConstraintViolationException |
ACLHandle |
Class to hold the authorizations from an ACL and the resource that has the ACL.
ACLHandleImpl |
A simple class connecting an URI pointing to an ACL to a FedoraResource that points to that ACL.
AggregatedRepositoryStatsResults |
A data object representing an aggregated stats result.
AuthConfig |
Spring config for auth
AuthPropsConfig |
Auth related configuration properties
AutoReloadingConfiguration |
Abstract configuration class which monitors a file path in order to reload the configuration when it changes.
BadRequestExceptionMapper |
For generic BadRequestExceptions.
Binary |
BinaryImpl |
Implementation of a Non-RDF resource.
BinaryStatsResult |
A data object representing a statistics result for binary objects
CachedHttpRequest |
An extension of HttpServletRequestWrapper that caches the InputStream as
byte array and overrides the getInputStream to return a new InputStream
object each time based on the cached byte array.
CannotCreateMementoException |
An exception class for invalid memento creation attempts.
CannotCreateMementoExceptionMapper |
A mapper for memento creation exceptions
CannotCreateResourceException |
Request for object creation failed
CannotCreateResourceExceptionMapper |
CheckedRunnable |
Same as Runnable but it has Exception in its signature
ClientErrorExceptionMapper |
CommitOption |
Options for defining the behavior when performing a commit to the persistent storage layer.
ConcurrentUpdateException |
This exception indicates that a resource could not be modified because it is currently being modified by another
ConcurrentUpdateExceptionMapper |
Condition |
A data structure representing a search condition.
Condition.Field |
Condition.Operator |
ConditionOnProperty<T> |
This condition enables a bean/configuration when the specified property matches the expected value
Implementations must provide a no-arg constructor.
ConditionOnPropertyFalse |
This condition enables a bean/configuration when the specified property is false
Implementations must provide a no-arg constructor.
ConditionOnPropertyTrue |
This condition enables a bean/configuration when the specified property is true
Implementations must provide a no-arg constructor.
ConfigurableHierarchicalSupplier |
Unique value minter that creates hierarchical IDs from a UUID
ConstraintExceptionMapper<T extends ConstraintViolationException> |
Abstract class for constraint violation subclasses
ConstraintViolationException |
A constraint has been violated.
ConstraintViolationExceptionMapper |
Container |
ContainerAuthToken |
ContainerImpl |
Implementation of an LDP Container resource
ContainerRolesPrincipalProvider |
Adds principals based on roles that are configured within the container and
through a PrincipalProvider bean in the project.
ContainerRolesPrincipalProvider.ContainerRolesPrincipal |
ContainmentIndex |
An interface for retrieving resource IDs by their containment relationships.
ContainmentIndexImpl |
ContainmentIndexMetrics |
ContainmentIndex wrapper for adding metrics
ContainmentTriplesService |
Provides containment triples.
ContainmentTriplesServiceImpl |
Containment Triples service.
ContentDigest |
Digest helpers to convert digests (checksums) into URI strings
(based loosely on Magnet URIs)
ContentExposingResource |
An abstract class that sits between AbstractResource and any resource that
wishes to share the routines for building responses containing binary
CreateNonRdfSourceOperation |
Operation for creating a new non-rdf source
CreateNonRdfSourceOperationBuilder |
Builder for operations to create non-rdf sources
CreateNonRdfSourceOperationBuilderImpl |
Builder for operations to create new non-rdf sources
CreateRdfSourceOperation |
Operation for creating an rdf source
CreateRdfSourceOperationBuilder |
CreateRdfSourceOperationBuilderImpl |
Builder for operations to create rdf sources
CreateRdfSourceOperationImpl |
Operation to create an RDF source.
CreateResourceOperation |
Operation for creating a resource
CreateResourceService |
Interface for a service to create a new resource via a POST request.
CreateResourceServiceImpl |
Create a RdfSource resource.
CreateVersionPersister |
Persister for creating a new OCFL version of a resource.
CreateVersionResourceOperation |
An operation for creating a new version of a resource
CreateVersionResourceOperationBuilder |
CreateVersionResourceOperationBuilderImpl |
CreateVersionResourceOperationImpl |
DatabaseConfig |
DbFedoraToOcflObjectIndex |
Maps Fedora IDs to the OCFL IDs of the OCFL objects the Fedora resource is stored in.
DbPlatform |
Detects the database platform from a datasource.
DbRepositoryStatsImpl |
A database-backed implementation of the RepositoryStats interface.
DbSearchIndexImpl |
DbTransactionExecutor |
Wrapper around Spring's db transaction management
DefaultMessageFactory |
Generates JMS Message s composed entirely of headers, based entirely
on information found in the Event that triggers publication.
DefaultRdfStream |
Implementation of a context-bearing RDF stream
DelegateHeaderPrincipalProvider |
An example principal provider that extracts principals from request headers.
DelegateHeaderPrincipalProvider.DelegatedHeaderPrincipal |
DeleteResourceOperation |
Operation for deleting a resource
DeleteResourceOperationBuilder |
Builder for operations to delete a resource
DeleteResourceOperationFactory |
Factory for delete resource operations
DeleteResourceOperationFactoryImpl |
Implementation of a delete resource operation factory
DeleteResourceService |
A service interface for deleting Fedora resources.
DeleteResourceServiceImpl |
This class mediates delete operations between the kernel and persistent storage layers
DigestAlgorithm |
Digest Algorith enum
EtagService |
Service for computing etags for request responses
Event |
A very simple abstraction to support downstream event-related machinery.
EventAccumulator |
Accumulates events for changes made to resources, grouped by transaction.
EventAccumulatorImpl |
EventBuilder |
Stores details about an Event.
EventImpl |
An event that describes one or more actions that a user preformed on a resource.
EventSerializer |
A basic serialization API for Fedora events
EventType |
A collection of repository event types
ExceptionChecker |
Tests if a method should be retried based on the exception thrown
ExceptionDebugLogging |
ExternalContent |
Interface for the ExternalContent information class.
ExternalContentAccessException |
Exception when attempting to access an external-content URI has problems.
ExternalContentAccessExceptionMapper |
ExternalContentException mapper
ExternalContentHandler |
This class is a helper for dealing with the External Content Link header and External Content itself, in the case
of handling="copy".
ExternalContentHandlerFactory |
Constructs ExternalContentHandler objects from link headers
ExternalContentPathValidator |
Validates external content paths to ensure that they are within a configured allowed list of paths.
ExternalMessageBodyException |
Indicates that an external body request has failed
ExternalMessageBodyExceptionMapper |
If an External Content Link header isn't formatted correctly or missing something, return
a Bad Request error.
FcrepoOcflObjectSessionWrapper |
Wrapper around an OcflObjectSession to convert exceptions into fcrepo exceptions and time operations
FedoraAcl |
FedoraApplication |
FedoraBaseResource |
FedoraContextLoaderListener |
This class wraps the standard Spring ContextLoaderListener in order to catch initialization errors.
FedoraFixity |
Run a fixity check on a path
FedoraHttpConfiguration |
FedoraId |
Class to store contextual information about a Fedora ID.
FedoraInvalidNamespaceException |
Indicates a namespace used in a CRUD request has not been registered in the repository
FedoraInvalidNamespaceExceptionMapper |
For invalid namespace exceptions on CRUD actions for nodes/datastreams
FedoraLdp |
FedoraOcflMapping |
A mapping that links the parent fedora resource to its corresponding OCFL object.
FedoraOcflMappingNotFoundException |
Indicates the fedora identifier was not found in the index.
FedoraPropsConfig |
General Fedora properties
FedoraReindex |
FedoraRepositoryStats |
An HTTP endpoint for retrieving statistics related to the repository.
FedoraResource |
A resource in a Fedora repository.
FedoraResourceImpl |
Implementation of a Fedora resource, containing functionality common to the more concrete resource implementations.
FedoraSearch |
FedoraTombstones |
CRUD operations on Fedora tombstones
FedoraToOcflObjectIndex |
FedoraToOcflObjectIndexMetrics |
Wrapper for FedoraToOcflObjectIndex that adds metrics
FedoraTypes |
Convenience class with constants for commonly used Fedora types.
FedoraVersioning |
FixityResult |
FixityResult.FixityState |
The possible fixity states (which may be ORed together later)
FixityService |
Service which calculates and compares digests for binary objects
FixityServiceImpl |
FlywayFactory |
Factory to generate a Flyway instance for Fedora.
GhostNodeException |
Exception when trying to alter an immutable resource.
GhostNodeExceptionMapper |
Map an GhostNodeException to a response.
GraphDifferencer |
A wrapping Stream that calculates two differences between a
Graph A and a source Stream B.
HeaderValueExceptionMapper |
If a client-provided header value fails to parse, return an HTTP 400 Bad Request.
HtmlTemplate |
An annotation that hints to the HtmlProvider a template that should be used
to render a response.
HttpApiResources |
Inject our HTTP API methods into the object graphs
HttpHeaderPrincipalProvider |
An example principal provider that extracts principals from request headers.
HttpHeaderPrincipalProvider.HttpHeaderPrincipal |
HttpIdentifierConverter |
Convert between HTTP URIs (LDP paths) and internal Fedora ID using a
JAX-RS UriBuilder to mediate the URI translation.
HttpRdfService |
A service that will translate the resourceURI to Fedora ID in the Rdf InputStream
HttpTripleUtil |
Utility for injecting HTTP-contextual data into an RdfStream
IdentifierConversionException |
IncorrectTripleSubjectException |
Represents the condition that an attempt has been made to persist RDF to the repository as properties of a
particular resource, but the subject of a triple in that RDF is not the resource in question.
IncorrectTripleSubjectExceptionMapper |
IndexBuilder |
An interface representing index rebuilding capabilities.
IndexBuilderImpl |
InMemoryResourceLockManager |
In memory resource lock manager
InstantParser |
A utility class for parsing a variety of different date/time formats into an Instant.
InsufficientStorageException |
Exception thrown when the device has insufficient storage to complete the operation.
InsufficientStorageExceptionMapper |
Translate InsufficientStorageException errors into HTTP error codes
InteractionModelViolationException |
An Interaction Model constraint has been violated.
InteractionModelViolationExceptionMapper |
InterruptedExceptionMapper |
If an HTTP request's processing is interrupted, return an HTTP 503 Service Unavailable.
InterruptedRuntimeException |
Indicates an interruption to the current thread
InvalidACLException |
InvalidACLExceptionMapper |
Translate InvalidACLExceptions into HTTP 409 CONFLICT errors
InvalidChecksumException |
Exception thrown when the calculated digest does not match the stored digest
InvalidChecksumExceptionMapper |
Translate InvalidChecksumException errors into reasonable
HTTP error codes
InvalidConditionExpressionException |
An exception that indicates that the syntax of the condition expression
is invalid and therefore cannot be parsed.
InvalidMementoPathException |
An invalid memento path constraint has been violated.
InvalidMementoPathExceptionMapper |
InvalidPrefixException |
Indicates a prefix used in a CRUD request has existed in the repository
InvalidPrefixExceptionMapper |
For invalid namespace exceptions on CRUD actions for nodes/datastreams
InvalidQueryException |
An exception that the set of parameters defining the search query
is invalid and therefore cannot be processed.
InvalidResourceIdentifierException |
This exception is used for invalid resource identifiers, such as when a resource path has empty segments.
InvalidResourceIdentifierExceptionMapper |
ItemExistsException |
Indicates an item already exists in repository
ItemNotFoundException |
Indicates an item was not found.
ItemNotFoundExceptionMapper |
Catch ItemNotFoundException
JmsConfig |
Spring config for jms
JmsDestination |
Indicates if a JMS topic or queue is the destination
JMSEventMessageFactory |
Produce a JMS Message from a JCR Event
JMSQueuePublisher |
Machinery to publish JMS messages when an EventBus
message is received.
JMSTopicPublisher |
Machinery to publish JMS messages when an EventBus
message is received.
JsonLDEventMessage |
A structure used for serializing a Event into JSON
JsonLDEventMessage.Actor |
JsonLDEventMessage.Application |
JsonLDEventMessage.Context |
JsonLDEventMessage.ContextElement |
JsonLDEventMessage.Object |
JsonLDEventMessage.Person |
JsonLDSerializer |
Some serialization utilities for Event objects
JsonParseExceptionMapper |
If an injected JSON resource fails to parse, return an HTTP 400 Bad Request.
LdpPreferTag |
A subclass of PreferTag that contemplates the possible preferences for Linked Data Platform requests.
LdpTriplePreferences |
Kernel level API to hold the LdpPreferTag and internal logic decisions.
LdpTriplePreferences.PreferChoice |
What the prefer tag choice is.
LinkFormatProvider |
Writer for application/link-format bodies.
LinkFormatStream |
Stream of links for Memento TimeMaps
MalformedRdfException |
Indicates that RDF was presented for persistence to the repository, but could not be persisted for some reportable
ManagedPropertiesService |
Interface for a service that converts managed properties from a FedoraResource
into a triple stream
ManagedPropertiesServiceImpl |
Retrieve the managed properties as triples
MembershipIndexManager |
Manager for the membership index
MembershipService |
Service used to manage membership properties of resources
MembershipServiceImpl |
Implementation of a service which updates and persists membership properties for resources
MementoDatetimeFormatException |
Indicates that the wrong format of the Memento-Datetime.
MementoDatetimeFormatExceptionMapper |
Handle MementoDatetimeFormatException with HTTP 400 Bad Request.
MetricsConfig |
MetricsHelper |
Helper for recording metrics
MicrometerFeature |
Enables Micrometer metrics on Jersey APIs (still must be annotated with @Timed)
MimeTypeStatsResult |
A data object representing a statistics result a specified mime type.
MultiDigestInputStreamWrapper |
Wrapper for an InputStream that allows for the computation and evaluation
of multiple digests at once
MultipleConstraintViolationException |
Wrapper to hold multiple constraint violation exceptions for later reporting.
MultipleConstraintViolationExceptionMapper |
Mapper to display all the various constrainedby links and messages.
MultiPrefer |
Aggregates information from multiple Prefer HTTP headers.
NoAuthConfig |
Spring auth config when authorization is disabled
NonRdfSourceDescription |
NonRdfSourceDescriptionImpl |
Implementation of a non-rdf source description
NonRdfSourceOperation |
An operation for interacting with a non-RDF source resource.
NonRdfSourceOperationBuilder |
Builder for an operation for interacting with a non-rdf source
NonRdfSourceOperationFactory |
Factory for constructing operations on non-rdf sources
NonRdfSourceOperationFactoryImpl |
Factory for operations to update non-rdf sources
NoSuchPropertyDefinitionException |
Represents the case where a property definition has been requested but does
not exist.
OcflPersistenceConfig |
A Configuration for OCFL dependencies
OcflPersistentSessionManager |
OCFL implementation of PersistentStorageSessionManager
OcflPersistentStorageSession |
OCFL Persistent Storage class.
OcflPersistentStorageSessionMetrics |
PersistentStorageSession wrapper for collecting metrics
OcflPersistentStorageUtils |
A set of utility functions for supporting OCFL persistence activities.
OcflPropsConfig |
Fedora's OCFL related configuration properties
OutOfDomainSubjectException |
Fedora does not accept RDF with subjects that are not local to the repository.
OutOfDomainSubjectExceptionMapper |
PaginationInfo |
A data structure representing the pagination information associated with a SearchResult
ParamExceptionMapper |
Handle Jersey ParamException
PathNotFoundException |
Indicates the path was not found in the repository.
PathNotFoundExceptionMapper |
Catch PathNotFoundException
PathNotFoundRuntimeException |
PathNotFoundRuntimeExceptionMapper |
Catch PathNotFoundRuntimeException(s)
PersistentItemConflictException |
If an operation results in a conflict preventing the successful completion of a persistence
PersistentItemConflictExceptionMapper |
Maps PersistentItemConflictException to an appropriate http response.
PersistentItemNotFoundException |
If an item is not found in the storage.
PersistentSessionClosedException |
Exception indicating that a persistence session is closed.
PersistentStorageException |
Generic exception for things PersistentStorage related.
PersistentStorageSession |
An interface that mediates CRUD operations to and from persistence storage.
PersistentStorageSessionManager |
Interface to access PersistentStorageSessions.
Persister |
PreconditionException |
PreconditionExceptionMapper |
Maps PreconditionException to an appropriate http response.
PreferTag |
Parse a single prefer tag, value and any optional parameters
PrincipalProvider |
This interface provides a way for authentication code to communicate generic
credentials to authorization delegates.
PrometheusMetricsServlet |
This class is an extension of Prometheus's MetricsServlet.
PurgeResourceOperation |
Purge resource operation
PurgeResourceOperationBuilder |
Builder for operations to purge a resource
PurgeResourceService |
Service to permanently remove a resource from the repository.
PurgeResourceServiceImpl |
Implementation of purge resource service.
QueryParseExceptionMapper |
Handles Sparql query parsing exceptions thrown when querying or updating.
Range |
Range header parsing logic
RangeRequestInputStream |
An InputStream that skips bytes and only returns the data up to a certain limit
RdfCollectors |
A class of Collectors for use with RdfStreams
RdfLexicon |
A lexicon of the RDF properties that the fcrepo kernel (or close-to-core modules) use
RDFMediaType |
This is a convenience class carrying the various RDF content-type values as
Strings and MediaTypes, after the fashion of the constants available on
RdfNamespacedStream |
A simple type to collect an RdfStream and associated Namespace mappings
RdfNamespaceRegistry |
Registry of RDF namespaces
RdfSourceOperation |
Operation for interacting with an rdf source
RdfSourceOperationBuilder |
Builder for constructing an RdfSourceOperation
RdfSourceOperationFactory |
Factory for operations on rdf sources
RdfSourceOperationFactoryImpl |
Implementation of a factory for operations on rdf sources
RdfStream |
A context-bearing RDF Stream interface
RdfStreamProvider |
Provides serialization for streaming RDF results.
RdfStreamStreamingOutput |
RdfTypeStatsResult |
A data object representing a statistics result a specified resource type
ReadOnlyTransaction |
A read-only tx that never expires and cannot be committed.
ReferenceOperation |
Operation to track a reference operation.
ReferenceOperationBuilder |
Build a reference operation.
ReferenceService |
Service to retrieve references to repository resources.
ReferenceServiceImpl |
Implementation of reference service.
ReferenceServiceMetrics |
ReferenceService wrapper for collecting metrics
ReindexManager |
Class to coordinate the index rebuilding tasks.
ReindexResourceOperation |
Interface for reindex operation methods.
ReindexResourceOperationBuilder |
Builder for operations to reindex a resource
ReindexResourceOperationFactory |
Factory for reindex resource operations
ReindexResourceOperationFactoryImpl |
Implementation of a reindex resource operation factory
ReindexResourceOperationImpl |
Operation for reindexing a resource
ReindexService |
A service which handles reindexing operations
ReindexService |
Service that does the reindexing for one OCFL object.
ReindexServiceImpl |
ReindexWorker |
A reindexing worker thread.
RelaxableResourceOperation |
Operation involving a resource with relaxable server managed properties
RelaxableResourceOperationBuilder |
Builder for operations involving resource with relaxable server managed properties
RelaxableServerManagedPropertyException |
Exception thrown if a Relaxable SMT is altered.
RelaxedPropertiesHelper |
Some server managed triples can have the prohibition on user-management overridden.
ReplaceBinariesService |
Interface for service to replace existing binaries
ReplaceBinariesServiceImpl |
Implementation of a service for replacing/updating binary resources
ReplacePropertiesService |
ReplacePropertiesServiceImpl |
This class mediates update operations between the kernel and persistent storage layers
RepositoryConfigurationException |
Indicates an error in the configuration of the repository
RepositoryException |
Indicates an error in the configuration of the repository
RepositoryExceptionMapper |
Provide a quasi-useful stacktrace when a generic RepositoryException is caught
RepositoryInitializationFilter |
Filter which blocks requests if the repository initialization is ongoing
RepositoryInitializer |
This class is responsible for initializing the repository on start-up.
RepositoryRuntimeException |
Runtime exception
RepositoryRuntimeExceptionMapper |
RepositoryStats |
An interface that provides access to repository stats.
RepositoryStatsByMimeTypeResults |
A repository stats object for binary results by mime type.
RepositoryStatsByRdfTypeResults |
An RDF Type Stats data object.
RepositoryStatsParameters |
A parameter object that allows you to narrow your statistics query
RepositoryStatsResult |
A data object representing a statistics result.
RepositoryVersionRuntimeException |
RepositoryVersionRuntimeExceptionMapper |
RequestWithAclLinkHeaderException |
Request failed with ACL link header
RequestWithAclLinkHeaderExceptionMapper |
RequiredRdfContext |
A collection of RDF contexts that can be used to extract triples from FedoraResources.
ResourceFactory |
Interface to a factory to instantiate FedoraResources
ResourceFactoryImpl |
Implementation of ResourceFactory interface.
ResourceHeaders |
Header information for fedora resources.
ResourceHeadersAdapter |
Adapter for converting between different ResourceHeader implementations.
ResourceHeadersImpl |
Common implementation of resource headers
ResourceHeaderUtils |
Helper utilities for populate resource headers
ResourceHelper |
Utility class interface for helper methods.
ResourceHelperImpl |
Utility class for helper methods.
ResourceLockManager |
Responsible for managing write locks on Fedora resources
ResourceOperation |
Operation for manipulating a resource
ResourceOperationBuilder |
A builder for constructing resource operations
ResourceOperationEventBuilder |
Converts a ResourceOperation into an Event.
ResourceOperationFactory |
Factory for operations for interacting with resources
ResourceOperationType |
Specifies the type of modification action represented by a resource operation.
ResourceTripleService |
Service to call other services to return a desired set of triples.
ResourceTripleServiceImpl |
Implementation of the ResourceTripleService
ResourceTypeException |
ResourceTypeExceptionMapper |
SearchIndex |
An interface defining search index management operations
SearchIndexMetrics |
SearchIndex wrapper for collecting metrics
SearchParameters |
A pojo encapsulating the parameters of a search
SearchResult |
This class holds the search result data for a single page.
SearchResultProvider |
HTML writer for search results
ServerErrorExceptionMapper |
ServerManagedPropertyException |
ServerManagedPropertyExceptionMapper |
ServerManagedPropsMode |
ServerManagedTypeException |
Certain mixin types are managed by the repository only.
ServerManagedTypeExceptionMapper |
Service<T> |
ServletContainerAuthenticatingRealm |
ServletContainerAuthFilter |
SessionMissingException |
A transaction was not found in the transaction registry
SessionMissingExceptionMapper |
If a session is requested that has been closed (or never existed), just
return an HTTP 410 Gone.
SinglePrefer |
JAX-RS HTTP parameter parser for the Prefer header
SparqlTranslateVisitor |
A special UpdateVisitor to translate Fedora URIs to internal FedoraIDs.
Storage |
Indicates what storage backend to use.
StreamingBaseHtmlProvider |
Simple HTML provider for RdfNamespacedStreams
SubjectMappingUtil |
Utility for remapping subjects in rdf triples.
SynchonizedStreamRDFWrapper |
TimeMap |
TimeMapImpl |
FedoraResource implementation that represents a Memento TimeMap of the base resource.
Tombstone |
TombstoneException |
Exception when a Tombstone FedoraResource
is used where a real object is expected
TombstoneExceptionMapper |
TombstoneImpl |
Tombstone class
Transaction |
The Fedora Transaction abstraction
TransactionClosedException |
Exception indicating that the requested transaction has been closed
TransactionConstants |
Constants related to transactions in HTTP requests
TransactionImpl |
The Fedora Transaction implementation
TransactionManager |
The Fedora Transaction Manager abstraction
TransactionManagerImpl |
The Fedora Transaction Manager implementation
TransactionNotFoundException |
Exception indicating that the requested transaction was not found.
TransactionProvider |
Provide a fedora tranasction within the current request context
TransactionRuntimeException |
Runtime exception
TransactionRuntimeExceptionMapper |
Mapper for transaction exceptions
Transactions |
The rest interface for transaction management.
TransactionState |
Represents the state of a transaction
TripleCategory |
A element in a particular partition of the possible triples produced for a given resource.
TripleOrdering |
Comparator to sort a list of Quads by subject, predicate, and object
to ensure a consistent order for human-readable output
TurtleSerializer |
Serialize a Event as Turtle
UncheckedCallable<T> |
Same as Callable but it does not have Exception in its signature
UniqueValueSupplier |
A Supplier interface that guarantees the uniqueness of its provided values.
UnsupportedAlgorithmException |
Thrown in circumstances where a client has used an unknown or unsupported hash algorithm
in a request, e.g.
UnsupportedAlgorithmExceptionMapper |
Translate UnsupportedAlgorithmException errors into reasonable
HTTP error codes
UnsupportedMediaTypeException |
Exception when trying to use an unsupported media type.
UnsupportedMediaTypeExceptionMapper |
UnsupportedMediaType mapper
UpdateNonRdfSourceHeadersOperation |
Operation for updating non-RDF source resource headers
UpdateNonRdfSourceHeadersOperationBuilder |
Builder for operations for updating non-RDF source resource headers
UpdateNonRdfSourceHeadersOperationBuilderImpl |
Builder for an operation for updating headers of non-rdf sources
UpdateNonRdfSourceHeadersOperationImpl |
Operation to update the headers of a non-rdf resource
UpdateNonRdfSourceHeadersPersister |
This class implements the persistence of the headers for an RDFSource to bring in new system managed properties
UpdateNonRdfSourceOperation |
Operation for updating a non-rdf source
UpdateNonRdfSourceOperationBuilder |
Builder for operations to update non-rdf sources
UpdatePropertiesService |
UpdatePropertiesServiceImpl |
This class implements the update properties operation.
UpdateRdfSourceOperation |
Operation for updating an RDF source
UpdateRdfSourceOperationBuilder |
Builder for operations to update rdf sources
UriAwareResourceModelFactory |
Helper to generate an RDF model for a FedoraResourceImpl that (likely) creates
relations from our resource to other HTTP components
URIConstants |
URIs used by the WebAC module.
UserTypesCache |
Cache of user RDF types.
UserTypesCacheImpl |
Default UserTypesCache implementation
UserUtil |
VersionResourceOperationFactory |
VersionResourceOperationFactoryImpl |
VersionService |
Service for creating versions of resources
VersionServiceImpl |
ViewHelpers |
General view helpers for rendering HTML responses
WebacAcl |
WebacAclImpl |
Webac Acl class
WebacAclService |
Service for creating and retrieving WebacAcl
WebacAclServiceImpl |
WebACAuthorization |
WebACAuthorizationImpl |
WebACAuthorizingRealm |
Authorization-only realm that performs authorization checks using WebAC ACLs stored in a Fedora repository.
WebACFilter |
WebACPermission |
A WebAC permission represents a particular mode of access (e.g., acl:read) to a particular resource.
WebACRolesProvider |
WebappConfig |
Spring config for the webapp
WebApplicationExceptionMapper |
Handle Jersey WebApplicationException
WildcardExceptionMapper |
Catch all the exceptions!
WrappingStream<T> |
Partial Implementation of a Wrapping Stream