Interface WebacAclService

    • Method Detail

      • find

        WebacAcl find​(Transaction transaction,
                      FedoraId fedoraId)
        Retrieve an existing WebACL by transaction and path
        fedoraId - the fedoraID to the resource the ACL is part of
        transaction - the transaction
        retrieved ACL
      • create

        void create​(Transaction transaction,
                    FedoraId fedoraId,
                    String userPrincipal,
                    org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Model model)
        Retrieve or create a new WebACL by transaction and path
        transaction - the transaction
        fedoraId - the fedoraID to the resource the ACL is part of
        userPrincipal - the user creating the ACL.
        model - the contents of the ACL RDF.