002 * Copyright 2014 DuraSpace, Inc.
003 *
004 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
005 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
006 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
007 *
008 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
009 *
010 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
011 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
012 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
013 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
014 * limitations under the License.
015 */
016package org.fcrepo.kernel.impl.utils.infinispan;
018import org.infinispan.persistence.spi.CacheLoader;
019import org.modeshape.common.logging.Logger;
021import java.io.IOException;
022import java.io.InputStream;
025 * @author cabeer
026 */
027public class CacheLoaderChunkInputStream extends InputStream {
029    private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(CacheLoaderChunkInputStream.class);
031    private final CacheLoader<String, byte[]> blobCache;
032    private final String key;
033    private final int chunkSize;
034    private final long totalSize;
035    private final int chunksCount;
037    protected int indexInBuffer;
038    protected byte[] buffer;
039    private int chunkNumber;
041    /**
042     * Appease checkstyles..
043     * @param blobCache
044     * @param key
045     * @param chunkSize
046     * @param totalSize
047     */
048    public CacheLoaderChunkInputStream( final CacheLoader<String, byte[]> blobCache,
049                             final String key,
050                             final int chunkSize,
051                             final long totalSize ) {
052        this.blobCache = blobCache;
053        this.key = key;
054        this.chunkSize = chunkSize;
055        this.totalSize = totalSize;
056        this.chunkNumber = 0;
057        this.indexInBuffer = 0;
058        final int remainderSize = (int) (totalSize % chunkSize);
059        final int numberOfChunks = (int) totalSize / chunkSize;
060        this.chunksCount = remainderSize > 0 ? numberOfChunks + 1 : numberOfChunks;
061    }
063    @Override
064    public int read() throws IOException {
065        if (indexInBuffer == -1) {
066            return -1;
067        }
068        if (buffer == null) {
069            fillBufferWithFirstChunk();
070            return read();
071        } else if (indexInBuffer >= buffer.length) {
072            fillBufferWithNextChunk();
073            return read();
074        }
075        return buffer[indexInBuffer++] & 0xff;
076    }
078    @Override
079    public int read( final byte[] b,
080                     final int off,
081                     final int len ) throws IOException {
082        if (indexInBuffer == -1) {
083            return -1;
084        }
085        if (buffer == null) {
086            fillBufferWithFirstChunk();
087            return read(b, off, len);
088        }
089        if (indexInBuffer >= buffer.length) {
090            return -1;
091        }
092        final int newlen;
093        if (indexInBuffer + len > buffer.length) {
094            newlen = buffer.length - indexInBuffer;
095        } else {
096            newlen = len;
097        }
098        System.arraycopy(buffer, indexInBuffer, b, off, newlen);
099        indexInBuffer += newlen;
100        if (indexInBuffer >= buffer.length) {
101            fillBufferWithNextChunk();
102        }
103        return newlen;
104    }
106    @Override
107    public int available() {
108        if (buffer == null) {
109            fillBufferWithFirstChunk();
110        }
111        return buffer.length - indexInBuffer;
112    }
114    @Override
115    public final long skip( final long n ) {
116        if (n <= 0 || indexInBuffer == -1 || totalSize == 0) {
117            return 0;
118        }
119        return directSkip(n);
120    }
122    @Override
123    public void close() {
124        endOfStream();
125    }
127    private long directSkip( final long n ) {
128        final long availableInBuffer = buffer != null ? (buffer.length - indexInBuffer) : chunkSize;
130        if (n < availableInBuffer) {
131            //we can skip "n" without requiring any additional chunks
132            if (buffer == null) {
133                //we haven't been initialized yet, so load the first chunk
134                fillBufferWithFirstChunk();
135            }
136            indexInBuffer += n;
137            return n;
138        }
140        //we need to skip past the current chunk, so find the chunk which needs to be loaded
141        final long lastChunkSize = totalSize - (chunksCount - 1) * chunkSize;
142        final int chunksAvailableToSkip = chunksCount - chunkNumber - 1;
143        final long bytesAvailableToSkip = (chunksAvailableToSkip - 1) * chunkSize + lastChunkSize;
145        final long stillRequiredToSkip = n - availableInBuffer;
146        final int chunksToSkipOver = (int) (stillRequiredToSkip / chunkSize);
147        final int leftToReadAfterSkip = (int) (stillRequiredToSkip % chunkSize);
148        chunkNumber = chunkNumber + chunksToSkipOver + 1;   //chunk# is 0 based
150        if (chunkNumber >= chunksCount) {
151            //we would need to skip more chunks than we have
152            endOfStream();
153            return availableInBuffer + bytesAvailableToSkip;
154        }
155        //move directly to the required chunk
156        fillBuffer(chunkNumber);
157        if (buffer.length > leftToReadAfterSkip) {
158            //move the pointer in this chunk
159            indexInBuffer = leftToReadAfterSkip;
160            return n;
161        }
162        //we jumped to a valid chunk, but it doesn't have enough data
163        endOfStream();
164        return availableInBuffer + bytesAvailableToSkip;
165    }
167    private void fillBufferWithNextChunk() {
168        this.chunkNumber++;
169        fillBuffer(this.chunkNumber);
170    }
172    private void fillBufferWithFirstChunk() {
173        fillBuffer(0);
174    }
176    private void fillBuffer(final int chunkNumber) {
177        buffer = readChunk(chunkNumber);
178        if (buffer == null) {
179            endOfStream();
180        } else {
181            indexInBuffer = 0;
182        }
183    }
185    private void endOfStream() {
186        buffer = new byte[0];
187        indexInBuffer = -1;
188        chunkNumber = -1;
189    }
191    private byte[] readChunk( final int chunkNumber ) {
192        final String chunkKey = key + "-" + chunkNumber;
193        LOGGER.debug("Read chunk {0}", chunkKey);
194        if (blobCache.contains(chunkKey)) {
195            return blobCache.load(chunkKey).getValue();
196        }
197        return null;
198    }